Headquarters | 321 route des Balmettes - 74 540 Mûres
Business name | Bruno Couttet
Trademark | Librairie Arthur'Rimbaud
Legal status | Sole trader
SIRET | 354 002 461 00052
Code NAF | 9003B

© Librairie Arthur'Rimbaud | All our creations are protected by the French laws and the Intellectual Property Code: Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle.

Bruno Arts® (with its associated graphic elements) is a registered trademark of Bruno Couttet since 1994.
The trademarks Librairie Arthur'Rimbaud, Arthur'R éditions, Grace Music, Blue Music Tools and Bruno Arts®, their products (books, CDs, booklets, music accessories, jewellery, clothing, works of art, decorative items and stationery items) and all the elements contained in this website (photos, logo, graphics and so on…) are the property of Bruno Arts®.

Photo credit | © Bruno Arts®/Marmelade Annecy

| BOOKS | All adaptation or reproduction rights, either whole or partial, in any form whatsoever, are reserved for all countries. Without the express written permission, use, reproduction, even partial, in any form and by any means whatsoever are prohibited. | Counterfeiting is punishable by law.

| MUSiC | All rights of the producer and of the owners of the recorded work reserved. Unauthorised copying, public performance, broadcasting, hiring or rental of my music are prohibited. | Piracy is punishable by law.